The French press is capable of brewing a singularly unique cup of coffee. The French press relies on a very coarse grind, much coarser than any drip method, because the water is in contact with the coffee for the entire time. The resulting coffee is viscous, rich, creamy, and buttery, basically completely different than with the same coffee brewed in any oother way.
To brew using the French press, begin by preheating the French press with hot water just off of the boil.
Grind your coffee--this should be a quite coarse grind, slightly finer than the traditional percolator grind. You will want to experiment with your grind setting, too coarse will sacrifice the overall extraction (and you may have to use more than is called for) and too fine will leave more sediment in the cup than you may find pleasant.
Drain the preheat water and add the ground coffee. Pour the water on top until it nearly reaches the level of the top band. Try to saturate the grounds evenly.
Start your timer, and give the coffee a vigorous stir. Affix the lid with the plunger extended all of the way out.
When your timer reaches 4 minutes and 15 seconds, push the plunger to the bottom, pressing firmly at the end to be certain that the remaining coffee at the bottom is flush with the plunger.
Allow the coffee to settle for about another minute. This allows all of the fine particles to settle to the bottom, and creates a cleaner cup.
Pour the coffee into your pre-heated coffee mugs and enjoy!
This 8-cup French press is the most popular sized model. The eight cups refers to the classic European 5 ounce cup and not the American mug. The 8-cup model is an ideal size to brew coffee for two. Because it is so popular, it is easier to obtain replacement parts in the unfortunate event of accidental breakage.
Along with the 8-cup Bodum Chambord, we carry the 3-cup, 4-cup, and 12-cup sizes of the same French press. Call or email us for prices and availability.